Vaisakhi Greetings and Update on Open Air Celebration 2023

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Statement on behalf of CSGB and the Pardaan Sahibs from Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras about the Vaisakhi Open Air Celebration 2023.

On the auspicious occasion of Vaisakhi, the 324th anniversary of the life changing event of 1699 led by beloved Guru Gobind Singh Ji, we wish everyone a blessed Vaisakhi. All Gurudwaras will be sharing the messages of Vaisakhi with Kirtan, parchaar and, many organising Amrit Sanchaar program to encourage all to become Amritdhari Gursikhs by taking Amrit – the key message of Vaisakhi.

We would also like to acknowledge and recognise the community’s desire for Birmingham Open Air Vaisakhi celebrations to take place as per previous years, we want to highlight the work being done to ensure the event happens this year and continues in the future, while sharing the challenges that prevented the event taking place in 2022. The CSGB team is working with Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras, Birmingham City Council, Sandwell Council, statutory partners and other key stakeholders to meet community expectations whilst having an event that delivers the core messages of Vaisakhi and is financially sustainable.

The Birmingham Open Air Vaisakhi celebrations are rightly seen as a unique and a much-loved event by the community, who look forward to the annual event with pride. Our stakeholders also acknowledge its importance and contribute to making it happen. The Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras are continuing to work to have an event this year and in the future. This year it is likely to be different to previous years due to financial challenges. We will give full details as soon as soon negotiations with key stakeholders are concluded.

We would like to thank volunteers, Gurudwara Pardaans and other stakeholders for all the support and input into the discussions around the planning of this year’s celebrations. It is encouraging to see how much everyone wants to have this event and promote Sikhi. The satkaar and pyaar shown by Gurudwaras, sangat and sewadars is most encouraging. There has been great willingness and commitment to the unique Birmingham Vaisakhi celebrations and effort to ensure it remains a high calibre event.

Successive CSGB committees have faced financial challenges since 2013 / 2014, these became acute between 2016 and 2019. Since 2015 the event has been possible by carrying forward a rolling debt which was repaid from the subsequent year’s income. During 2020 and 2021 Covid restrictions prevented the event from happening. Sadly, in 2022 the current committee was unable to raise sufficient donations and income to have the event. The financial challenges were caused by an increase in costs and a decrease in income from other sources, grants, council contribution, sponsors etc. The forecast budget for 2023 showed income of £70k against costs more than £140K.

The CSGB team continues to work with the Vaisakhi Planning Committee led by the Gurudwara Pardaans of Sandwell and Birmingham Gurudwaras. This is a unique way forward and shows the sangat should expect a sustainable event to be planned and organised. This committee is now planning a smaller event for this year whilst at the same time looking at ways of having the larger event in 2024 onwards. We are encouraged that the Pardaans are looking at the key messages of the Vaisakhi event and how best the event should be financed.


Council of Sikh Gurudwaras in Birmingham 3, Grove Lane, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 9ES


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