Birmingham & Sandwell Vaisakhi Celebrations 2023: addressing misinformation.

We are pleased to confirm that there will be a Nagar Kirtan event to celebrate Vaisakhi 2023 starting in Birmingham (proposed Babe Ke Gurudwara Sahib) and culminating in Sandwell (Guru Har Rai Gurudwara Sahib) in place of the celebrations previously held in Handsworth Park. The Gurudwaras are working together to have a one-day Nagar Kirtan and Kirtan program on the 28th of May 2023 (exact route details will be confirmed). The changes will ensure we are able to have an event that is financially viable.

The purpose of this statement is to share the following:

  1. Update on Vaisakhi 2023.

  2. Inform all on the purpose of the Council of Sikh Gurudwaras in Birmingham (CSGB).

  3. Summary on CSGB’s financial position.

  4. To correct false accusations and rumours about why the event did not happen in previous years and that CSGB money has been stolen.

  5. Respond to misinformation and malicious social media postings.

The CSGB exists to serve the Birmingham Gurudwaras and is administered by volunteer representatives from different Gurudwaras. Every Gurudwara in Birmingham has two representatives on the team, who will then elect the volunteer Executive Officers. CSGB cannot be hijacked by any one Gurudwara Sahib as is claimed. The Vaisakhi celebrations were always organised by volunteers from Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras and not by any one Gurudwara.

Update on Vaisakhi 2023

We are pleased to confirm the Birmingham & Sandwell Gurudwaras are working together to arrange a Vaisakhi event for 28th May 2023. This will consist of a Nagar Kirtan from Babe Ke Gurudwara in Birmingham to Guru Har Rai Gurudwara in Sandwell where there will be a Kirtan Darbar and Langar. The Gurudwaras are keen to focus on ‘Dharmic’ activities and the core message of Vaisakhi, which is, to encourage Sikhs to take Amrit.

Further details will be available shortly and poster will be shared with all Gurudwaras. Given the historic funding shortfall explained below the event will consists of a Nagar Kirtan and Kirtan program only.

Purpose of CSGB

CSGB was originally one of seven community forums set up by Birmingham City Council, to have a way of consulting with the minority communities and represent their needs in Birmingham. For the first few years (1990’s) the City Council provided funding for paid workers, office and running costs. CSGB developed further activities by raising grants and sponsorship to manage Vaisakhi. Volunteers have always been essential in delivering services which were led previously by paid staff.

For nearly 20 years there has been no funding for paid staff, office, and running costs. CSGB has relied solely on volunteers and donations. There were a number of resignations from the existing executive committee posts, basically leaving a Chair and Treasurer in post.

Going forward, CSGB must identify the appropriate organisation structure and funding to be effective to serve the Gurudwaras. It also needs to identify the current needs and aspirations of all the Birmingham Gurudwaras.

Summary of CSGB financial position

Historically, as at 2015, there has been an amount due to the Council of £60,000. A further £9,000 is owed in respect of the last Vaisakhi program held in 2019. There are also £10,000 of historic office related costs (3 Grove Lane).

In addition, the 2019 program was subject to increased costs of £30,000 and furthermore a reduction in donations of £20,000 and therefore a further £50,000 of debtors is owing.

In 2020 and 2021 due to Government imposed Covid restrictions the Vaisakhi event, like all other public events, could not take place.

In 2022 the planning group, consisting of Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras members, could not raise the projected shortfall of £70,000. As a result, the event was not arranged.

Previously there were financial contributions from Council grants, sponsorship income, Gurudwara and community donations. For several years these income streams have been reducing or stopped entirely.

Response to misinformation and malicious social media posting.

a. Accusation that funds have been taken by GNNSJ from CSGB

Contrary to this accusation, the Gurudwaras in Birmingham and Sandwell make donations, depending on their means, to the Birmingham Vaisakhi Event. Over and above financial contributions, Gurudwaras also contribute Langar, Degh, Sewadaar time and other facilities to the Birmingham Vaisakhi Event.

b. Accusation that Chair has ended the annual Vaisakhi Event

As previously stated, the CSGB is made up of representatives from each Gurudwara and therefore the Vaisakhi event cannot be ended by one person or one organisation. It is always organised by volunteers from Birmingham and Sandwell Gurudwaras. We can confirm that there has never been any attempt to stop the event from happening by an individual or an organisation.

c. Malicious posters on social media

Unfounded accusations have now spiralled to malicious and defamatory posters about individuals and organisations. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to incite hate crime, spread discord in the community and cause personal anguish. We join the many Gurudwaras in Birmingham and Sandwell have united to condemn the actions of individuals involved in creating fake posters and their intent to spread fictitious messages on social media.

Statement by current officers:

A S Ubhi – Chair
Dr P S Bhogal - Treasurer


Formal Notification of Fake Vaisakhi Poster in Circulation - UPDATE